Studies on the magnetic susceptibility of amalgams and other alloys by Tai Li Chi
Tai Li Chi engaged in the study of amalgam magnetism with his mentor, the famous physicist L.F. Bates when he studied in University of London in 1934. Tai Li Chi and L.F.Bates measured the magnetic susceptibility of the known components of bismuth, chromium,copper, and manganese amalgam using the Gouy method. They found that, in addition to copper,metals that were diamagnetic in the solid state exhibited paramagnetism in the amalgam state; the susceptibility of manganese-amalgam showed temperature hysteresis. In addition, they studied the titration method in magnetic susceptibility measurements.Areview and analysis of the experimental research of Tai Li Chi is presented based on his dissertation, files and papers in the 1930s, which may help us to understand the status of this field in China and also know Tai’s studies in UK according to the new historical data.