New progress of research on nuclear physics in Department of Physics of Tsinghua University
Graphical Abstract
In celebrating of the founding of 80 years for the Department of Physics of Tsinghua University, we here make briefly review of the main progress of recent research on nuclear physics in our department. The research subjects involve the experimental study of nuclear high spin states, the theoretical research on nuclear structure and the high energy nuclear physics. In the high spin state study, the contents include the collective vibrational\| and rotational\|band structures, the new quasiparticle bands, and the new chiral doublet bands etc. in A~100 neutron-rich region, the octupole deformation and correlations in A~140 neutron-rich region, and the nuclear shape driving effects, such as, the prolate deformation, the shape coexistence etc. in A~130 neutron\|deficient region. In the theoretical research on nuclear structure, the contents involve the Interacting Bose Model, the Cranked Shell Model, the Projected Shell Model, the research on the nuclear property using the relativistic mean field, the research on the symmetry and algebraic method for the nuclear structure and the other quantum system, such as, the dynamical symmetry, the supersymmetry, the potential algebraic method etc., and the representation of general Lie algebra and non\|liner Lie algebra with closely relating to the symmetry, such as, the general Lie algebra, the Lie super\|algebra, the square\|root non\|linear Lie algebra, and the polynomial non\|liner Lie algebra etc.. In the high energy nuclear physics study, the contents include the phase transition of the Quantum Color Dynamics (QCD) under the high temperature and high density, and the phase transition signal of the relativistic heavy\|ion collision.