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ZHAO Zeng-Xiu, YUAN Jian-Min. Strong-field control and ultrafast detection of electron dynamics and coherent radiation towards attosecond physics[J]. PHYSICS, 2015, 44(1): 16-21. DOI: 10.7693/wl20150103
Citation: ZHAO Zeng-Xiu, YUAN Jian-Min. Strong-field control and ultrafast detection of electron dynamics and coherent radiation towards attosecond physics[J]. PHYSICS, 2015, 44(1): 16-21. DOI: 10.7693/wl20150103

Strong-field control and ultrafast detection of electron dynamics and coherent radiation towards attosecond physics

More Information
  • Received Date: August 11, 2014
  • Published Date: January 11, 2015
  • The control and ultrafast detection of electron dynamics and coherent radiation are among the key questions that may be addressed by strong field physics and attosecond physics.By marrying the best of two worlds, i.e. attosecond science and THz technology, we have demonstrated that by synchronizing attosecond radiation with THz wave emission we may obtain a deeper understanding of the mechanism of THz generation as well as more insight into the rescattering electron dynamics following tunneling ionization. It indicates that ultrafast dynamics within strong fields can be coherently controlled through gating the propagation of electron wave packet using two-color laser pulses. In addition, we propose and verify a new scheme to measure both the amplitude and polarization of the THz field in the time domain, which could promote various applications of polarization-sensitive THz spectroscopy. The technology of blending THz sources and attosecond pulses is expected to go beyond atomic and molecular physics, with significant impact on,for example, the study of carrier dynamics in solids using pump-probe schemes, where the dynamics can only be initiated efficiently by THz sources while the probing requires high spatiotemporal resolution.
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