

Synthesis of new nuclides in China

  • 摘要: 合成新核素和新元素、认知核素图和元素周期表、探索原子核存在极限是核物理的前沿研究领域。新核素的合成研究,不仅可以揭示原子核物理学中原子核结构、原子核衰变以及核子间基本相互作用的奥秘,而且有助于探索核天体物理学中核合成过程和能量来源的机制,此外,对核素性质的认识还可以扩展其在人类生活中的应用。与国际上其他发达国家相比,国内的新核素研究起步较晚,开始于20世纪90年代。在国家的大力支持和科研人员的不懈努力下,迄今为止,我国已成功合成了41个新核素,在全世界的排名已提升到第11位。随着研究的深入,合成新核素的难度越来越大,在新核素的产生、分离和鉴别三方面都存在极大的挑战。文章回顾了中国新核素研究的现状及具体研究方法,综述了新核素和新元素研究的挑战及应对措施,简述了中国新元素合成的实验计划。


    Abstract: Synthesizing new nuclides/isotopes and new elements, expanding the chart of nuclides and the periodic table of elements, and exploring the limit of the existence of nuclides are frontier research fields in nuclear physics. The synthesis of new nuclides can not only reveal the mystery of nuclear structure, nuclear decay and fundamental interactions between nucleons, but also help to explore the mechanism of nucleosynthesis processes and energy sources in nuclear astrophysics. Moreover, understanding the properties of isotopes can also expand their practical applications. Compared with other developed countries around the world, research on new nuclides only started in the 1990s in China, but with the strong support of the government and continuous endeavors of researchers, 41 new isotopes have been successfully synthesized so far, raising China’s ranking to the 11th place in the world. As research advances, it is becoming more and more challenging to produce, separate and identify new isotopes. This paper reviews the current status and specific methods employed in this area of research in China, summarizes the challenges and the efforts to solve the problems in the synthesis of new isotopes, and briefly describes the experimental plans for synthesizing new elements in China.


