

What is quantum mechanics?

  • 摘要: 1900~1928年间是物理学史上最激动人心的时代,一群天才,主要是年轻人,在不到三十年的时间里构造了崭新的量子力学体系,从而改变了物理学的面貌,也彻底地改变了人类社会的面貌。本文将系统地解释什么是量子(quantum)、什么是力学(mechanics),在对量子力学创建过程的回顾中讲述构成量子力学的具体内容,然后会介绍几例量子力学带来的新技术。量子力学从来都不是什么革命,它只是经典物理学自然的、逻辑的延续。量子力学一如物理学的其它分支,都是人类思想智慧的结晶。量子力学,还有相对论,这些百多年前的头脑风暴,今天应该成为受教育者的知识标配。


    Abstract: Quantum mechanics was constructed in the period of 1900~1928 by a school of well-educated geniuses,some are only youngsters in their twenties. The quantum theory,though still being far from complete,has since essentially changed physics,consequently our world. In this article,after verbally explaining the meaning of quantum and mechanics,the theory of quantum mechanics will be presented with regard to the details of its construction,and concluded with some exemplary applications. To the current author,quantum mechanics is in no sense a revolution,rather it is simply a natural extension of classical mechanics. Quantum mechanics,and also the contemporary theory of relativity,should be the knowledge default for students of today.


