汪克林, 曹则贤. 关于量子测量问题的一点思考[J]. 物理, 2014, 43(06): 381-387. DOI: 10.7693/wl20140604
引用本文: 汪克林, 曹则贤. 关于量子测量问题的一点思考[J]. 物理, 2014, 43(06): 381-387. DOI: 10.7693/wl20140604
WANG Ke-Lin, CAO Ze-Xian. Some reflections on quantum measurement[J]. PHYSICS, 2014, 43(06): 381-387. DOI: 10.7693/wl20140604
Citation: WANG Ke-Lin, CAO Ze-Xian. Some reflections on quantum measurement[J]. PHYSICS, 2014, 43(06): 381-387. DOI: 10.7693/wl20140604


Some reflections on quantum measurement

  • 摘要: 量子测量原理是量子力学的重要组成部分。具体的测量实验是否构成量子测量,是有商榷的余地的。并不是所有可观测量的本征值都具有实在的意义。量子测量原理中论及的经典—量子世界分界处之扰动的作用,可改述为量子测量需要加入统计原理的考量,这其实正印证了“统计原则高于量子原则”的现实。类似双缝干涉和Stern—Gerlach实验这样的宏观实验同量子测量原理是相融洽的,可能反映的恰是量子测量原理建立的历史背景和心理基础。本文的目的在于引起对量子测量问题的关注,并深信对该问题严肃、深入的讨论是有意义的。


    Abstract: Quantum measurement is a thorny problem without which the quantum theory cannot be taken as complete. Whether a measurement in laboratory is quantum measurement is a matter that needs be justified. Notably, not the eigenvalues of all the mechanical operators have realistic meaning. The role of intervention at the‘cut’between classical and quantum worlds in the quantum measurement postulates can be rephrased as a requirement that statistical principles should be incorporated therein, which are more fundamental in comparison with the quantum principles.That macroscopic measurements, such as the Stern—Gerlach experiment, the double-slit interference and alike, are well reconciled with quantum measurement postulates may just reveal the historic route and psychological basis of the development of those postulates. With this essay we want to call attention to the quantum measurement problem, and we’re sure that serious discussions over this problem may be helpful for further development of quantum mechanics.


