

Iron-based ferromagnetic superconductors

  • 摘要: 超导电性与铁磁长程序是两个“敌对”的物质状态。长期以来,探索超导与铁磁共存是十分耐人寻味的课题。文章在回顾半个多世纪以来该课题主要进展的基础上,重点介绍了作者近年来对新型铁基铁磁超导体的发现和发展,最后对这类新材料的进一步研究进行了展望。


    Abstract: Superconductivity and ferromagnetic long-range ordering are two antagonistic states of matter. It is a long-standing intriguing issue to explore the coexistence of the two phenomena. In this paper we will first overview the main progress in this field over the past half century. Then we report our recent achievements in the discovery and development of ferromagnetic superconductors in iron pnictides. Finally, we summarize by giving some prospects for future research on this new type of material.


